
ACCORDS Education is back with it's annual Colorado Pragmatic Research in Health Conference (COPRH Con)! COPRH Con 2025 will be a primarily in-person conference.

Attendees will hear from national experts in pragmatic research for two days of keynote and plenary addresses, networking, and break into concurrent sessions for more interactive participation.

The Colorado Pragmatic Research in Health (COPRH) Conference

Future of Pragmatic Research:

Team Science to Enhance Innovation and Impact

A national conference for clinical, translational, and public health research audiences 

You're invited! June 4-5, 2025 hosted by the Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.

Call for Poster Abstracts

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM MT   


Do you work in health services research, dissemination & implementation science, population health, public health research, patient-centered outcomes research, or pragmatic clinical trials? 

Are you a methodologist, investigator, research staff, and/or a community or patient partner in research? 

Please join us at COPRH Con to share your research methods and approaches to improving equity, policy, and sustainability at our poster sessions.


COPRH Con Abstract and Poster Guidelines

DEADLINE: January 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM MT

Abstract submission criteria

  • Abstracts should be between 2500 and 3000 characters (with spaces), not including title, authors, or affiliations.
  • Abstract title should be no more than 15 words
  • Abstract body should be structured with headings for background, setting/population, methods, results (for completed research), and conclusions

  • Abstracts can be completed research or work-in-progress, and may include research presented at other venues.

  • Abstracts are encouraged to include patients and other community partners as co-authors

Abstract Categories:

  •  Multi-/trans-disciplinary team science: Abstract submissions in this category should highlight research conducted by transdisciplinary teams. In addition to the science, abstracts may include a description of any unique collaborations, unique team structures/models, or novel collaboration approaches to achieve transdisciplinary team science. We are interested in abstracts describing how transdisciplinary teams are overcoming challenges in transdisciplinary teams, lessons learned in conducting team science, and collaboration with multi-sectoral partners, research staff, and community partners.
  • Novel technologies: Abstract submissions in this category will include the development, testing and application of novel technologies to address health. We anticipate submissions will include research using mobile and digital health technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning and large language models, wearable devices, or other novel technologies developed and/or applied in pragmatic research studies. 
  • Modern Data and Informatics for real world impact: This abstract category will include submission focused on the use of secondary data, applied clinical informatics; novel collaborations to address data/informatics and other applications of data and informatics in a pragmatic science setting for real work impact. Submissions may include science influencing policies at the local, state and national policy level, clinical or community practice, health equity, including methods and approaches to changing policy, financing; abstracts focused on sustainability and scalability of interventions

How to submit your abstract: [submission deadline has passed]

  • Complete the form including name, email address, academic title/rank, and institutional affiliation(s) of the presenting author; a complete list of authors and affiliations; abstract title; abstract body with structured headings; indication of abstract alignment with conference theme

Poster guidelines:

  • Posters will be submitted in a PDF format (templates will be provided) and presenters will bring a physical poster for display.
  • Posters will be featured during Poster Sessions on June 4 and/or June 5
  • All posters will be presented in-person. Presenting authors should confirm their intent and availability to attend CORPH Con and present their poster in person.
  • Select abstracts may be invited to present live as part of a “Best of COPRH Con” session, concurrent breakout session, or lightning research talk. 

Presenter information:

  • There is no fee for abstract submission.

  • More information will be provided for selected abstracts

Download these guidelines here:  2025 COPRH Con Call for Abstracts and Guidelines

*updated November 27, 2024

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CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Third floor

Aurora, CO 80045


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