ACCORDS D&I offers interactive resources and services are for anyone, wheather you have been doing D&I research for decades or are brand new our resource & services can help implement theory driven D&I practices.
We partner with the D&I Research Core led by Dr. Bethany Kwan in the Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CCTSI) at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
If you know the D&I team member you wish to contact, please still complete the consultation request form. Content area, D&I issue or questions and expertise of one of the above is the clearly best fit. If you are unclear or your request cuts across multiple D&I areas, please contact Dr. Jodi Holtrop, who will be is the primary consultation contact person and she will triage consultation requests to the most appropriate D&I team member.
We ask that you please complete the consultation request form below. This form takes less than 5 minutes to complete and is confidential. Your completed form will go to Dr. Jodi Holtrop, who will contact you within 1 week of submission to coordinate a consultation meeting.
Your consultation experience will be more efficient and productive if you think about and come prepared to share the following with the D&I team member:
Consultations are one to two meetings with a D&I team member to receive advice, feedback, references, provision of and connection with D&I resources, and linkage to other SOM or content expertise if relevant. Collaboration on grant proposals as a co-investigator may result from a small number of selected projects, based on the time, content area and resources of the D&I member. We do not have the time, resources or staff to be a key part of many proposals or projects requiring ongoing substantial involvement. Some K awards mentorship may be possible.
The mission of the Dissemination & Implementation Graduate Certificate Program is to equip our graduates with the D&I research skills needed to design rigorous and innovative translational research, and to successfully compete for federal funding to carry out their proposed work.
We individualize our training to address key D&I competencies and meet each trainee’s unique program goals through three key strategies:
This guide provides direction and all the associated resources, measures, and materials in one place to successfully use Iterative PRISM and RE-AIM in an iterative manner to provide real time feedback on issues and progress in a given study, program, intervention, or project during all or a select set of phase of planning, implementation, or sustainment. Throughout this guide, we discuss possible ways in which Iterative PRISM and/or RE-AIM can be operationalized depending on the project. This method can be used to satisfy many needs throughout the phases of a project.
Below is a draft version. The final version will be uploaded soon. Note: this draft file name is "iPRISM and REAIM Guidebook_WIP"
Here you will find a number of downloadable resources that we developed for our Costing Guidebook for Implementation Scientists. These resources are free to use, and they are intended for Implementation Scientists who are attempting to conduct a cost assessment on their own projects. None of these resources are finished products, and it is highly recommended that you update them according to your specific project and context, keeping in mind the principles of cost assessments described in our Guidebook.
Ensuring research priorities, conduct, and dissemination align with stakeholder needs and perspectives is important to novice and experienced users of stakeholder engagement strategies, but this can be a challenge with so many engagement strategies to choose from., is an Interactive Webtool and Education Hub to help you find the best strategy for your research based on five elements: purpose, budget, number of interactions, time, and staffing/expertise.
Discover what RE-AIM is, use the interactive planning tool, get grant writing guidance, see the most recent presentations RE-AIM, and more on the RE-AIM website.
Checklists, Tools, Self-ratings, and Guides for Successful Proposals in Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Research
Resources developed by Enola Proctor, Ross Brownson, Byron Powell, Ana Baumann, Ashley Hamilton and Ryan Santens / Adapted into website form by Amy Huebschmann, Chase Cameron, Demetria McNeal, and Russell Glasgow
This helpful animation was developed in collaboration with colleagues from ACCORDS & CCTSI and adapted from materials presented by experts at Washington University, STL. was designed to help researchers and practitioners to select the D&I Model that best fits their research question or practice problem, adapt the model to the study or practice context, fully integrate the model into the research or practice process, and find existing measurement instruments for the model constructs. The term ‘Models’ is used to refer to both theories and frameworks that enhance the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based interventions more likely.
The Expanded CONSORT expands on the Basic CONSORT flow diagram for clinical trials to summarize external validity and contextual factors more concisely and transparently. It adds data about participation and representativeness at the levels of settings and staff, and about intervention sustainability after project support ends. This figure provides a method to address the representativeness, generalizability and sustainability of outcomes research more efficiently.
These FAQs attempt to give general answers to common questions that are asked of our D&I faculty. Some FAQs have visuals to illustrate concepts, and all have references for in-depth readings on the topic.
Selecting a dissemination and implementation (D&I) theory, model or framework (TMF) involves several key considerations to ensure that the chosen TMF(s) aligns well with your project’s goals, context, and the specific intervention you are implementing. We recommend beginning the process of TMF selection by first answering the following questions:
To answer these questions you may want to create a logic model (1) to help visualize and think through these issues. By guiding you to identify key issues, influences, intervention components, and outcomes, a logic model will help to select the TMF (or modification) that best helps you assess, understand, and guide alignment among the context, your intervention, and implementation strategies.
Depending on the needs of your project, you may need to adapt a TMF or use more than one TMF. Much has been written on how to approach the selection of a D&I TMF and the fact that there are more than 150 TMFs shows that selection can be a complex decision. To view a comprehensive catalog of D&I TMFs, learn more about each, as well as use an interactive webtool designed to assist researchers and implementors with TMF selection and application we recommend you visit
Resources for Further Reading on this Topic:
Adaptations are defined as thoughtful or deliberate modifications made to an intervention with the goal of improving their fit with a given context. Adaptations can either improve or worsen outcomes, but we know that they will happen even if we try to prevent them. Adaptations can be assessed several different ways, including observation, structured interviews, and staff notes. We recommend using multiple methods and triangulating their results.
Basically, an adaptation is a modification to the initial plans for a program. Adaptations can be made to the intervention; implementation strategies; or the setting as well as the phase of your program. There are many types of adaptations and it is helpful to have guidance for conceptualizing, assessing, and addressing them.
We recommend you use one of the adaptation frameworks discussed in the references below. Experts agree on the need to track and report adaptations, but there is less agreement about if you should guide them during program implementation (most experts agree that pre-implementation adaptations in collaboration with community and clinical partners is important). There is a great deal of active research being conducted on both the assessment and guidance of iterative adaptations (3).
References for Further Reading on the Topic:
In recent years, there has been increasing emphasis on health equity within the field of D&I, with calls to more consistently measure and address disparities as well as adapt strategies to enhance implementation of interventions among minoritized and vulnerable populations. Because D&I methods so heavily emphasize the importance of context, engagement of diverse partners, and multiple priorities and outcomes, they are well suited to advance health equity.
There are multiple dedicated health equity Theories Models and Frameworks (TMFs) that can be used in combination with D&I TMFs (see link below). For instance, the Health Equity Implementation Framework( Woodward reference), which considers implementation factors that may be unique to vulnerable populations, is designed to be used in combination with other types of D&I TMFs.
Additionally, existing D&I TMFs can also be adapted to consider equity more explicitly throughout planning, implementation and evaluation phases. For instance, the Pragmatic Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) has evolved to emphasize the importance of measuring representativeness more explicitly across all implementation and effectiveness outcomes as well as capturing diverse multi-level partner perspectives on context.
For a fuller discussion of how D&I science can help to address health equity, visit's special topics section on health equity as well as the references listed below.
References for Further Reading on the Topic
Sustainability refers to the capacity to maintain a program after implementation or research evaluation period. Sustainment refers to the actual continuation of the program and its impact. D&I can help address these issues in several ways:
References for Further Reading on the Topic
Costs are central to D&I science for several reasons. Conceptually they are one of the strongest predictors of adoption (scale up or dissemination), successful implementation and sustainment. Pragmatically, in discussions with potential adopting settings about participation if questions about costs cannot be answered, it is unlikely the site will participate.
For more straightforward costing of implementation, it is usually not necessary to have an economist. For more complex analyses such as business impact, return on investment(ROI), cost effectiveness and benefit, it is advisable to partner with an economist. Regardless, it is important to assess and report costs using standard procedures as described in the references below.
Two useful cost strategies are to conduct:
Resources for Further Reading on this Topic:
The term learning health system (LHS) refers to the idea of a health system that is able to seamlessly integrate new practices based on learnings from its own data as well as external evidence. This is accomplished via an information technology infrastructure that allows for data from ongoing clinical care to be continuously analyzed; and what is learned is integrated into rapid improvements in care delivery, akin to an audit and feedback loop. To date, LHS is an aspirational idea, but some health systems are investing heavily in LHS infrastructure because of its potential benefits to both patients and the system.
By pairing D&I frameworks and methods with LHS infrastructure, implementation teams can use conceptual models and D&I tools to monitor the progress of implementation, effectiveness and disparities in LHS applications. This reduces the resources needed to collect the data and improves the timeliness of data delivery allowing for frequent evaluations of both implementation outcomes and changes in key contextual factors from which implementers can select targeted adaptations to enhance contextual fit, effectiveness and equity.
Resources for Further Reading on this Topic:
Context is very important in Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) science because there are multiple and varied factors in every environment that affect implementation. These multiple and varied factors are often referred to “determinants” which can be further categorized as “barriers” and “facilitators” of implementation.
By understanding Context, we can define the determinants and adapt:
Adapting like this can enhance the feasibility, effectiveness, equity and sustainability of a intervention. It’s important to understand that Context is multi-level (e.g. individual, implementation setting and staff, system, and policy levels and relationships among these levels) and dynamic so assessments to understand changes in Context are needed over time.
Resources for Further Reading on this Topic:
Figure from Damschroder et al 20091
The Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM) is a versatile and commonly used Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) framework that enhances the RE-AIM model by adding context and a focus on equity. RE-AIM - Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation and Maintenance - serve as the outcome domains of PRISM.
PRISM’s contextual domains consider various environmental factors, such as intervention characteristics, implementation infrastructure, organizational values and perspectives at multiple levels, and the external environment (e.g. policies and guidelines) all influence implementation of health interventions. This context-sensitive approach helps ensure that interventions are suitable for the setting they are implemented in, thereby improving their real-world effectiveness.
PRISM also incorporates an equity focus by encouraging the inclusion of diverse perspectives to better understand the implementation context. The model encourages designing interventions that measure disparities in care delivery and health outcomes making them transparent, and in doing so, addressable.
Resources for Further Reading on this Topic:
AcademyHealth and the National Institutes of Health convene a meeting in December of each year to bring together the D&I Science community. The theme for the 2024 conference is: Moving Fast and Slow: Optimizing the Pace of Implementation. The conference includes plenaries, oral and poster presentations, and interactive pre-conference workshops.
The US Veterans Administration’s QUERI Program has made many tools available on their website and offers a range of training opportunities.
The Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences of the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health is an excellent resource for funding opportunities, sample grant applications, training, and other D&I resources.
The Center for Implementation directed by Dr. Julia Moore and based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada is an institute that offers professional development training, implementation support and collaboration on implementation projects.
Freitas de Mello, N., Nascimento Silva, S., Gomes, D.F. et al. Models and frameworks for assessing the implementation of clinical practice guidelines: a systematic review. Implementation Sci 19, 59 (2024).
Villalobos, A., Reynolds, E., Halpin, S.N. et al. Prioritizing research needs and opportunities at the intersection of implementation science and engagement science. Implement Sci Commun 5, 78 (2024).
Strayhorn, J.C., Vanness, D.J. & Collins, L.M. Optimizing Interventions for Equitability: Some Initial Ideas. Prev Sci 25 (Suppl 3), 384–396 (2024).
Squires, J.E., Graham, I.D., Santos, W.J. et al. The Implementation in Context (ICON) Framework: A meta-framework of context domains, attributes and features in healthcare. Health Res Policy Sys 21, 81 (2023).
Presenter: Mónica Pérez Jolles, Novemeber 2024
Key content: This presentation is on "Complex interventions: Introduction of a webtool to identify and track core functions and forms".
Presenter: Katy Trinkley, March, 2023
Key content: Description of the iPRISM webtool, how it guides individuals and teams to assess and align programs with the multilevel context and prioritize strategies to optimize equitable impact on outcomes.
Presenter: Heather Gilmartin, September, 2023
Key content: This talk discusses why you should actively disseminate your work, dissemination theories and frameworks, and tips and best practices.
Presenter: Amy Huebschmann, June, 2023
Key content: This presentation shares the impact of work conducted within the COISC3 using the Translational Science Benefits Model.
Presenter: Anna Maw, April, 2023
Key content: Covers an overview of complex interventions, context in implementation science, pragmatic research, and presents an applied example using iterative RE-AIM to enhance hospitalist adoption of lung ultrasound in COVID-19 patient management.