Collaborators: | |
Kierra Barnett | Dr. Kierra Barnett is a Research Scientist at the Center for Child Health Equity and Outcomes Research at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Her work focuses on the impact of structural racism, stress and social determinants of health on racial and ethnic inequities. Prior to joining NCH, Dr. Barnett completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University, were she collaborated with state, county and city public health departments, as well as non-for-profit organizations, to assess health outcomes and make policy and practice-based recommendations to address the disparities. Dr. Barnett received her Ph.D. in Public Health from The Ohio State University. She also holds a Masters of Public Health from OSU and a Bachelor’s of Science in Community Health from the University of Illinois |
Gabriella Conti | Dr. Gabriella Conti is Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and the Social Research Institute at University College London, and Research Fellow at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. She has collaborated with David Olds since 2013 in the analysis of the follow-ups of the Memphis Nurse Family Partnership RCT, and is a co-Investigator of the Age 30 Follow-up funded by NIH. Gabriella is an internationally-recognized expert in the economic evaluation of early interventions: among others, she is working on the Family Nurse Partnership, Building Blocks, and Universal Health Visiting in England, and on the Pro Kind in Germany. She is a strong believer in the importance of a preventative developmental approach to health policy to sustain the durability of national health systems Email: |
Deena Chisholm![]()
| Dr. Deena Chisolm is the Nationwide Foundation Endowed Chair in Health Equity Research, Director of the Center for Child Health Equity and Outcomes Research, and Vice-President for Health Services Research in the Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She is also a Professor of Pediatrics and Public Health at The Ohio State University. Her research focuses on improving health and healthcare for children and families with over 100 peer-reviewed publications on pediatric health services, outcomes, and disparities. Her current projects explore how health literacy, health policy, and social factors influence the health of at-risk adolescents transitioning to adulthood. Her research is funded by agencies including the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities and the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Dr. Chisolm is the immediate past Chairman of the Ohio Commission on Minority Health and serves as a Board member for the Health Policy Institute of Ohio. She earned her B.S. in Biological Science Education from Miami University, M.S. in Preventive Medicine, and Doctorate in Public Health from The Ohio State University. |
Chelsie Dryer | Chelsie Dryer is the Director of Research and Evaluation for the National Service Office (NSO) for Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) and Child First. She joined the NSO in 2022. Chelsie has more than 10 years of experience evaluating evidence-based prevention programs focused on maternal and child health, mental health and substance use, and early childhood education. She also has previous experience working with the NSO as an evaluator for Oklahoma’s NFP program and Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting grant. Chelsie lives in Detroit, Michigan with her husband Eric, three-year-old daughter Hazel, and dog Piper. Email: |
Kim DiBella-Farber | Kim DiBella-Farber serves as the National Data and Quality Director at the National Service Office for Nurse Family Partnership and Child First where she leads program evaluation, data analysis and quality improvement. She is a collaborative partner with colleagues at the Prevention Research Center to further understand the impact of NFP, programmatic strengths and opportunities for enhancement. Prior to joining the National Service Office, Ms. DiBella-Farber served as the Chief Operating Officer for a community-based mental health center for children in CT and prior to that led quality improvement and program evaluation at a multi-service nonprofit organization in New York City. She holds a Master of Social Work degree from Columbia University and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology from the University of Connecticut. Email: |
Sue GrothPhD, WHNP-BC, FAANP – Co-PI for Memphis 30-year follow up & RCT of NFP for Multips ![]() | Dr. Groth is a Professor in the University of Rochester School of Nursing. She centers her research on the study of obesity and behavioral, genetic, and environmental factors that contribute to this complex disease. Dr. Groth is particularly interested in weight gain among pregnant women and the long-term effects of that weight on mothers and their children. Her research has been funded by both NINR and NHLBI. Dr. Groth’s work is informed by her career as a women’s health care practitioner, primarily caring for low-income underserved women and teens. Dr. Groth’s contributions to the science include: 1) expanding the knowledge base of gestational weight gain effects on weight and health; 2) uncovering the views and beliefs of low-income, pregnant, minority women related to diet, physical activity and gestational weight gain; 3) capturing the behavioral context and complexity of the lives of pregnant women; 4) identifying biologic factors that influence post-pregnancy obesity development; 5) combining biological and behavioral components to identify shared influences on obesity development; 6) measuring effects of an online intervention to limit gestational weight gain and weight retention; and 7) determining the correlation of gene single nucleotide polymorphisms with systemic inflammation in pregnancy. As a result, these separate studies combine to create a picture of obstetrical risk, much of it shaped by culture and health behaviors, a picture that is critically important to clinical practice, informing what can be done to help mothers optimize pregnancy outcomes. Dr Groth has been associated with the New Mother’s Study in Memphis, TN since her doctoral student days in the late 1990’s and currently serves as the Site PI for the 30 year follow-up of this intervention trial. Projects: Memphis trial, Multips Trial Email: |
Susan JackProfessor of Nursing, McMaster University | Susan Jack is Professor, School of Nursing & Associate Member, Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, McMaster University (Canada) and the Global Nurse-Family Partnership Research & Evaluation Director. Globally, Dr. Jack has championed for and amplified nursing policy, practice and research contributions that advance healthcare responses to address gender-based violence. This has included the development, evaluation, and implementation of a nursing intervention for the Nurse-Family Partnership program to recognize and respond to intimate partner violence. As part of a multidisciplinary research team, she has led or contributed to multiple studies focused on adapting, piloting, and evaluating Nurse-Family Partnership within the Canadian healthcare context. Her advocacy for trauma-and violence-informed approaches to care has been an important strategy for promoting health equity and to promote this goal, she has been invited to speak or teach on this topic with nurse home visitors & public health nurses across the United States and Canada. As an active educator and consultant, she provides training nationally and internationally on mixed methods and applied qualitative health research methodologies. Email: Projects: NFP Global replication, IPV |
Kieran O’Donnell | |
Gail Radford-TrotterInternational Consultant, NFP Global | Gail’s role is to work with all International Implementing countries to ensure high quality implementation and replication. She works as direct consultant with all countries implementing NFP. She has a great interest in organizational readiness and capacity to implement NFP well. Also, client involvement in recruitment and selection is something she loves and has seen great benefits from this. Clients know who the best nurses are! She lives and plays golf in probably one of the most beautiful towns in Scotland. Projects: NFP Global Contact: email: |
Andrea Salvati![]() | Andrea Salvati is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Economics at University College London. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Rice University. Andrea's research focuses on economics of education and human capital development during childhood and adolescence. In his projects, Andrea studies the interplay of the school and family environments with individuals' skills formation. |
Kate Sauder | |
Pamela Scorza
| Pamela Scorza, ScD, MPH’s research centers on the perinatal period as a unique window of opportunity for interrupting intergenerational transmission of health risk in populations exposed to concentrated adversity, including extreme poverty, racism, and marginalization. Dr. Scorza has conducted fieldwork with pregnant women and children in Ghana, Rwanda, Burundi, Peru, Argentina, and the United States, where she has implemented and evaluated perinatal mental health interventions and refined cross-cultural mental health measurement tools. Her current research examines behavioral (maternal-infant relationship quality) and biological (DNA methylation) markers of the upstream formation of infant health and developmental trajectories. She then incorporates these markers of intergenerational transmission in the perinatal period to assess the impact of perinatal interventions on child development. Email: |
Joyce Smith | |
Deirdre WebNFP Global Director ![]()
| Deirdre is responsible for developing strategic direction and expansion of NFP and ensuring that NFP Global Collaborative Guidance Group is working effectively to maintain quality of NFP in all implementing countries. She led the implementation and establishment of Nurse Family Partnership / Family Nurse Partnership Program in Northern Ireland (her home country) thirteen years ago and has remained the Clinical Lead for the program ever since 2010 Projects: NFP Global Contact: email: |
Elly YostMSN, RN – Director for Nursing Initiatives and Special Projects at the Nurse-Family Partnership and Child First National Service Office | Her informal role with PRC is as a liaison between NFP Nursing and the PRC. She is committed to seeing that families are knowledgeable about NFP and for those eligible that they have the opportunity to participate and receive the highest quality of service. In her non-working time she is happy to do anything outdoors – camping, hiking, fishing, biking, skiing, gardening, etc. Projects: Nursing Innovations, NFP Global Email: |