Ergen Family Chair In Pediatric Outcomes Research Pilot Program

The Ergen Family Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research Pilot Program is committed to supporting investigators working in T3-T4 science who are pursuing a career in research and academic medicine with a focus on enhancing the health and well-being of children. T3-T4 science focuses on translation of science into real world settings, to improve the quality and timeliness of health care and to improve health outcomes for individual patients and populations. It includes research in the areas of health services, outcomes, dissemination and implementation, and pragmatic science. In this funding mechanism we will prioritize projects that are likely to have the greatest impact on child health, with a strong focus on prevention of health problems and optimizing future health for children.


Please, check out the highlighted changes for this year’s applications

Post-doctoral MDs, DOs or PhDs with faculty or fellowship positions in the Department of Pediatrics or a child health related department or division within a different Department, such as Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Radiology, or Child Psychiatry. Applicants must either already have training in health services or outcomes research or be currently receiving such training to be eligible to apply. Applicants should be committed to pursuing a career in research in an academic medical center. Although the program is administered by the ACCORDS Center, there is no requirement that applicants have an affiliation with ACCORDS to apply or to receive funding. The research proposed for this Pilot Program should be unique and not currently funded or included as part of another submission under review from a different funding source.

  • #1 Junior Investigator Pilot: Funding for early T3-T4 investigators who need pilot data to support a career development award or other early career award   ($20,000-$30,000)
  • #2 Novel Idea Pilot: NEW THIS YEAR, Funding for T3-T4 investigators at any stage who need pilot data to provide justification for pursuing funding to launch a new and innovative idea(generally $30,000-$50,000 or higher). Applicants for this mechanism must submit a letter of intent (due 5/01) and receive permission from the Chair to submit an application (6/01).   Letters should be submitted to Dr. Allison Kempe (, who currently holds the Ergen Family Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research.     

If you have any questions about the suitability of your project for this T3-T4 funding mechanism, you are welcome to provide an overview of your proposal (one paragraph) to Dr. Allison Kempe. She will provide input about whether the proposal falls into T3-T4 science category, but will NOT provide an evaluation about the quality of the project. 

The Pilot Grant Selection Committee will be convened to review all submitted proposals and funding decisions will be based on the results of their review. In general, projects must be completed within a one-year period.  If they cannot be, the PI must apply for a no-cost extension and provide justification to the Chair. The number of proposals selected for funding will be determined by the funds available for the given year. The Chair will make all final decisions about funding. A brief final report detailing the outcomes of the study and next steps will be required after the end of the study period.

Incomplete submissions and application materials that exceed the requested page limits will NOT be considered for review

  • Importance of the topic for improving future pediatric healthcare.  Proposals with a focus on either highly prevalent or highly “costly” conditions (either financially or in morbidity) will be given priority. 
  • Projects that focus on prevention of health problems will be given priority.  
  • Alignment of proposal with selected funding path
  • Mentorship engagement with proposal (for junior faculty)
  • Study design
  • Innovation
  • Study feasibility
  • Potential for project to result in further funding, either to support career development or to support a new area of T3-T4 research
  • Potential for project to contribute to evidence base/gap in literature

All application materials must be combined into a single PDF and sent to

Each applicant must include the below items in their full proposal submission:

  • Cover Page (1 page) must detail the following:
    • Project title
    • PI name and contact information
    • Selected funding path
    • Primary Mentor name and contact information (for junior faculty seeking career development award)
    • Division Director and Department Chair
  • Proposal (no more than 5, single-spaced pages, using font and size Arial 11, with 1” margins) must include description of the following:
    • Specific aims
    • Background
    • Significance (how the findings will address a gap in the literature; potential impact of topic for improving child health)
    • Preliminary studies (if applicable)
    • Detailed Methods
    • Analysis plan
    • Plans for seeking further funding sources and how the pilot funding will enhance likelihood of funding
    • Timeline (project generally should be completed within 1 year)
    • Description of key personnel
    • Tables and Appendices (optional, included in page count)
    • References/Citations (single-spaced and do NOT count towards the page limits)
  • Draft Budget and Budget Justification (no more than 2 pages) must adhere to the following guidelines: 
    • Budget should NOT include overhead (indirect costs), salary for the PI or Primary Mentor, equipment for long term use (e.g. computers), or travel or publication costs
    • Budget will be evaluated on whether the resources are appropriate for the work proposed
  • Biographical Sketches of Applicant & Primary Mentor (if applicable)
    • Use the standard NIH biosketch form and do not exceed five pages
    • Use the Personal Statement to describe how the proposed research agenda relates to and will help facilitate the investigator’s career path or how it will lead to future impactful research
  • Letters of Support
    • Each Junior Investigator Pilot proposal must include a letter of support from the applicant’s primary mentor (no more than 2 pages). Additional letters should be included on an as-needed basis to support the feasibility and impact of the project (for example, if collaborating organizations are part of the proposal). The primary mentor letter should include:
      • Mentor’s research experience and skills in relation to the proposal
      • How the mentor will supervise the PI including plans for communication and meeting
      • Institutional support for the proposed research (e.g. in-kind resources, infrastructure to support the young investigator and the proposed research project, expenses not covered by the pilot)
    • Novel Idea Pilots must have included a LOS from a senior investigator in a field relevant to the proposal that supports the potential impact of the proposed work. Additional letters should be included on an as-needed basis to support the feasibility and impact of the project (for example, if collaborating organizations are part of the proposal). Any institutional support for the proposed research should be discussed.


Proposal format for Letters of Intent for Novel Idea Pilots

  • The letter should contain 1-2 paragraphs explaining the novel pilot idea, with a special focus on why it is novel and why it meets criteria for importance of the topic for improving future pediatric healthcare [i.e. focus on either highly prevalent or highly “costly” conditions (either financially or in morbidity] or on prevention of health problems.
  • The Chair will determine if the topic meets criteria for this funding mechanism and inform the applicant by 6/01(see dates below)

Important Dates (yearly):


Letter of Intent for Novel Idea Pilots due to Chair


Chair will invite applications deemed eligible for Novel Idea Pilots.


Application Form for all pilot submissions deadline yearly -- 5:00 PM Mountain Time


Applicants may receive requests for additional information in this time window.


Earliest notification award


 Start of Award Funding (based on preference of finalist)


CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Third floor

Aurora, CO 80045


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