Co-Directors/Mentors | |
Amy Huebschmann, MD, MS, FACP, FSBM is the Director of the ACCORDS Primary Care Research Fellowship (APCRF), a tenured Professor of Medicine, primary care physician and Clinician-Investigator in the Division of General Medicine. The overarching goal of Dr. Huebschmann’s independent line of research inquiry is to develop, test, and implement evidence-based interventions to improve the management and treatment of chronic diseases with tailoring to fit local contextual priorities, needs and resources. To improve health outcomes, she leverages expertise in dissemination and implementation (D&I) science methods to address health disparities and lifestyle behavior change with attention to multi-level influences of health equity. A generalist in name and at heart, this line of inquiry has included tailoring of interventions to diverse real-world primary care and community-based settings and has targeted diverse chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma and cancer. Demonstrating my national reputation in D&I science, I have received funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) over the past thirteen years to lead pragmatic trials, including an NHLBI-funded DECIPHeR U-award ( that leverages community engagement and implementation science methods to reduce health inequities in pediatric asthma (NHLBI UG3/UH3: HL151297), an NCI-funded R01 to prevent cancer by addressing lifestyle behavior risks and unmet social needs, and other grants to deliver physical activity counseling (K23 HL118133) and tobacco cessation counseling (1P50CA244688), respectively. With regards to D&I research expertise, I currently serve as the lead implementation scientist for several NIH-funded centers/studies (NIDDK P30:DK092923; NIA R01: AG066804-01; NCI 1R01CA242745; NHLBI Phase II OT2HL158287). In addition, I am the founding Director of the Graduate Certificate in D&I science for the University of Colorado Graduate Program in Clinical Sciences, and serve as the Director of the National Resource Core and the D&I core lead for the NIH-funded Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Health Diabetes Translation Research. I have successfully mentored 30 junior faculty and research fellows locally and nationally; the vast majority of these past fellows are tenure-track faculty members who continue active health outcomes research portfolios. | ![]() |
Elizabeth Bayliss, MD, MSPH is a Family Physician, Senior Investigator in the Kaiser Permanente Colorado (KPCO) Institute for Health Research, and Professor of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado. Her research career focuses on the systematic delivery of patient-centered care to complex and vulnerable patient populations with an emphasis on applied methods and studies of disease–disease and disease–treatment interactions. She has practiced Family Medicine as faculty in a community residency program in Denver, CO; in the underserved community of Commerce City, CO; and in the Kaiser Permanente Colorado integrated delivery system. In 2013, Dr. Bayliss joined the core mentorship faculty for the internally-supported University of Colorado Primary Care Research Fellowship and directed the Fellowship program from 2016-2020. From 2011-2015, she was a standing member of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Health Care Research Training (HCRT) study section and has served on several National Institute on Aging GEMSSTAR review panels—all tasked with supporting promising early career investigators. Dr. Bayliss has over 18 years of federally-supported research experience. Her current projects include developing and leading a multisite pragmatic trial of deprescribing; co-leading the Data and Methods core for the US Deprescribing Research Network; collaborating to develop a dashboard to outreach patients with complex medical and social needs; and collaborating on two infrastructure development projects to foster new talent and knowledge in dementia care and in geriatric research. Her additional methods expertise includes instrument development for self-reported morbidity and treatment burden, survey design and administration, qualitative methods, observational study designs, competing outcomes, and applications of longitudinal patient-reported data. Her content expertise includes medication management, care continuity, quality of care, and morbidity measurement—all focusing on the multimorbid population. Dr. Bayliss has been primary mentor for 7 post-doctoral fellows (and multiple pre-doctoral candidates and joint informal mentees including early career investigators on multi-site projects). Six mentees have faculty appointments and have external research funding including two with federal career development awards. | ![]() |
Russell Glasgow, PhD is the director of the Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) Science Program of ACCORDS. He is a behavioral scientist, a Research Professor in Family Medicine, and was formerly Deputy Director for Implementation Science at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Glasgow has extensive experiencing developing and using the RE-AIM, PRISM and other implementation science frameworks and related approaches that focus on enhancing the reach, adoption, adaptation and sustainability of evidence-based programs. His research and mentoring focus on using pragmatic models and methods for numerous primary care issues including chronic illness prevention and self-management, health behavior change, diabetes self-management, cancer prevention and control, and costing of program implementation. He has over 500 peer-reviewed publications, is listed among the top 1% of the most frequently cited authors in the social sciences, and has been awarded 25 NIH or AHRQ grants. Dr. Glasgow has mentored both MD and PhD trainees, including some of the current leaders in D&I science. He has been a primary developer of multiple training programs in D&I including the NIH-sponsored Training in Implementation Research in Health, the NIH-funded implementation science training program in behavioral and social science research to eliminate chronic disease disparities (IS-2) and he co-directed the ACCORDS K12 Career Development Training program in D&I science. | ![]() |
Romana Hasnain-Wynia, PhD is Chief of Academic Affairs and Public Health at Denver Health and professor of medicine at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine. In this role, she provides strategic oversight for aligning the components of Denver Health’s academic mission in research, education, and training as a learning health system to advance equity. Prior to this role, she served as Denver Health’s chief research officer for six years. She mentors junior and mid-career investigators at Denver Health and the University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Campus, and nationally. Before joining Denver Health, Dr. Hasnain-Wynia served as the director of the Addressing Disparities program at the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, where she provided strategic oversight and leadership for the program’s national funding priorities to advance equity. She also served as the director of the Center for Health Care Equity and Associate Professor at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and was the Associate Director of the AHRQ funded T32-Institutional NRSA Service Award and as the Education and Training Lead for the AHRQ funded P01 Center of Excellence in Advancing Equity in Clinical Preventive Services and Primary Care. She spent a decade at the American Hospital Association’s Health Research and Educational Trust as vice president of Research. Her research focuses on advancing equity in healthcare with an emphasis on developing and integrating equity measurement in health systems delivery and payment models. She has mentored over 30 junior investigators locally and nationally. She currently serves on national advisory committees for AHRQ, CMS, and the National Quality Forum. She is on the editorial boards of the journals Health Affairs and Health Services Research. | ![]() |
Allison Kempe, MD, MPH recently stepped down as the Program Director of the HRSA-funded ACCORDS Primary Care Research Fellowship and remains a mentor. She is a tenured Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School Anschutz Medical Campus with a secondary appointment in the Colorado School of Public Health. She was the founding Director of ACCORDS (Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science), a collaborative program at the Anschutz Medical Center that supports training and the expansion of community-translational, dissemination and implementation (D&I) and outcomes research for a large community of researchers from multiple Schools. She was the principal investigator for an AHRQ-funded Center for Excellence in Implementation Science and Prevention (CRISP), which was the genesis of the ACCORDS D&I Program, now headed by an internationally renowned D&I scientist. She has been a health services researcher for approximately 40 years with a primary focus on improving the provision of preventive care in primary care settings, in racial and economic health disparities, and in telemedicine to improve healthcare delivery. Dr. Kempe has substantial methodological expertise in the conduct of pragmatic trials in clinical and community settings, comparative effectiveness, program evaluation, and the conduct of surveys. She has authored over 250 peer-reviewed publications and has been the PI on 22 federal R01, Center or training grants. She was the Fellowship Director for both the HRSA-funded Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship and the Institutional NRSA PCRF between 2002 and 2012 and developed and directed the SCORE Fellowship for surgical and subspecialty faculty focused on HSR 2013-2016. Dr. Kempe was also a co-Director of a K12 from NHLBI that focused on implementation and dissemination science. During her career, she has been a mentor for 85 post-doctoral trainees. She has been a mentor for 12 funded career development awards with all completers transitioning to R funding. | ![]() |
Additional APCRF Faculty & Staff | |
Kathryn Colborn, PhD MSPH is an Associate Professor the Division of Healthcare Policy and Research in the Department of Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. She also holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Biostatistics and Informatics in the Colorado School of Public Health and serves as Core Lead for the Biostatistics and Analytics Core of the Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS). In this role, she leads a team of faculty biostatisticians and 13 MS data analysts. For the past 6 years, she has also led the Data Informatics and Statistics Core (DISC) of the Palliative Care Research Cooperative Group (PCRC), a U2C funded by the NINR. In her role as DISC lead, she has mentored faculty from institutions across the US during the Clinical Trial Intensive Programs, has assisted with clinical trials in palliative care, and has led two data coordinating centers for multi-site randomized trials. Her own research focuses on development and validation of statistical methodologies for clinical prediction models, reducing infections, and health services research. She also leads research in improving statistical methodologies for cluster randomized trials. Dr. Colborn has over 100 peer-reviewed publications and has mentored 18 graduate students, 7 surgical research residents, one palliative care T-32 fellow, and 4 faculty career development awardees. | ![]() |
Brooke Dorsey Holliman, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine in the School of Medicine, the Director of the Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research Core at ACCORDS. She specializes in the use of qualitative and mixed methods in health services research, and is skilled at health policy and program evaluation. Dr. Dorsey Holliman’s research focuses on health disparities and inequalities due to socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, and social and structural factors. Dr. Dorsey Holliman earned her B.A. in Psychology from North Carolina Central University, a M.A. in Forensic Psychology from the University of Denver, and a Ph.D. in Health and Behavioral Sciences from the University of Colorado Denver. | ![]() |
Mark Gritz, PhD is an Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Health Care Policy and Research, the Director of Operations at the Farley Health Policy Center, and the Director of Operations and Lead of the Economic Analysis Core at ACCORDS. He received his PhD in economics from Stanford University and has over 30 years of experience directing and managing demonstrations, evaluations, research, and technical assistance projects designed to improve economic and health outcomes of economically-disadvantaged and underserved populations. His current work focuses on healthcare value and its association with socio-economics factors with the goal of rapidly responding to research and policy analysis needs of government agencies, corresponding to HHS/HRSA priority area transforming the health care system through value-based care and quality improvement. Dr. Gritz has over 35 years of experience in conducting economic analysis examining the impact of a wide variety of intervention programs on economic and other outcomes affecting the health and well-being of low socio-economic populations, including several cost of implementation, return on investment, and benefit-cost analyses. He has provided short-courses on the sustainability of healthcare innovations that educate clinical investigators in using economic analysis methods to assess sustainability from multiple perspectives, including patients, providers, payers, policymakers and society. He recently completed an economic analysis of a school-based intervention and is currently supporting research projects across a variety of adult and child focused interventions that involve the application of micro-costing methods to measure implementation costs, a return on investment analysis and an incremental cost effectiveness analysis. Dr. Gritz also recently completed the economic analysis of a National Diabetes Prevention Program delivered by a Federally Qualified Health Center and Safety Net Hospital. In addition, he recently mentored a post-doctoral fellow in conducting time-drive activity-based costing analysis and calculating return on investment for a telehealth intervention and for a palliative care intervention for patients with advanced Parkinson’s Disease. | ![]() |
Rebecca Speer, MA is the Research Training Program Manager at ACCORDS for the SCORE Fellowship and the ACCORDS Primary Care Research Fellowship. She has worked for the last Fourteen years managing research projects and programs, and for the last seven years has been responsible for all day-to-day operations for each of the ACCORDS fellowship programs, including the K12 Dissemination and Implementation Research Training Program that ended in June of 2022. Ms. Speer is a graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder where she received two bachelor’s degrees in Spanish Language and Literature and in Communication. She then attended the University of California, Santa Barbara where she completed a master’s degree in Communication (social science paradigm) in 2010. Prior to joining ACCORDS in 2017, she worked as the Research Project Coordinator on a multi-arm, bilingual, pragmatic obesity trial in primary care at Denver Health Medical Center. | ![]() |
Potential mentor | Expertise | HHS/HRSA Priorities/ HRSA Research Interests |
ACCORDS, University of Colorado School of Medicine and Colorado School of Public Health | ||
Frank DeGruy, MD, Prof. and Chair, FM | Mental health evaluation and treatment in primary care settings | Improving mental health access/care |
Mandy Allison, MD, MSPH, Assoc. Prof. GP | Nurse-family partnership, school-based health care, social determinants | Maternal mortality; Early detection of behavior disorders |
Perry Dickinson, MD, Prof., FM | Practice transformation, chronic care management and mental health | Improving mental health access/care; Chronic dx d/t/m |
Susan Calcaterra, MD, MPH, GIM, Dir., Addiction Medicine Service | Evidence-based opioid use disorder treatment | Opioid addiction and overdose |
Jodi Holtrop, PhD, Assoc. Prof., FM | Primary care practice redesign, D&I research | Value-based care/QI; chronic dx d/t/m |
Jeanne Van Cleave, MD, Assoc. Prof. GP | Mental Health in primary care; children with special healthcare needs | Improving mental health access/care; Chronic dx d/t/m |
Carmen Lewis, MD, MPH, Assoc. Prof., GIM | Medical decision-making; Colorectal cancer screening | Value-based care delivery/QI; Prevention/population health |
Daniel Matlock, MD, MPH, Assoc. Prof., Medicine - Geriatrics | Patient-Centered decision making, palliative care | Chronic dx d/t/m; Value-based care delivery/QI |
Megan Morris, PhD, MPH, Assoc. Prof., FM; Qual/MM Core lead | Qualitative methods; Improving care for patients with disabilities | Value-based care delivery/QI; chronic dx d/t/m |
Don Nease, MD, Prof. FM, PBRN & Community Engagement lead | Practice redesign, PBRN research, Community engagement in research | Value-based care delivery/QI; chronic dx d/t/m |
Susan Moore, PhD, MSPH, Assoc. Prof., SPH, mHealth Core Lead | Mobile & digital health innovation, clinical decision support | Strengthening health care access through telehealth |
Darcy Thompson, MD, MPH, Assoc. Prof, Peds | Reducing health disparities; Prevention of obesity in young children | Health disparities; chronic dx d/t/m |
Stacie Daugherty, MD, MSPH, Prof. Cardiology | Defining and working to eliminate disparities in cardiovascular care | Health disparities; chronic dx d/t/m |
Stanley Szefler, MD, Prof. Peds and Director CHCO Research Institute | Community based school-centered asthma treatment | Chronic dx d/t/m |
Carolyn DiGuisepi, PhD, Prof., Epidemiology, SPH | Childhood injury, injury control and disease prevention | Health promotion, prevention and population health |
Sean O’Leary, MD, MPH, Assoc. Prof. Peds, Head of Pediatric PBRN | Vaccine delivery, infectious disease research, research in PBRN settings | Value-based care/QI; Prevention/population health |
Judith Regensteiner, PhD, Prof. Med, Director Women’s Health Ctr | Cardiovascular disease and diabetes; Women’s health | Maternal mortality; Chronic disease d/t/m |
Christopher Stille, MD, MPH, Prof. and Division Head GP | Improving care for children with special health care needs | Detection/management of chronic and multiple chronic dx |
Institute for Health Research, KPCO | ||
Ingrid Binswanger, MD, MPH, Senior Inv, Assoc. Prof. GIM | Preventing overdoses among people prescribed opioids | Opioid addiction/overdose |
Matthew F. Daley, MD, Senior Inv., Assoc. Prof. GP | Immunization delivery; Public health surveillance | Value-based care/QI; Prevention/population health |
Heather S. Feigelson, PhD. Senior Inv., Assoc. Prof., SPH | Breast cancer epidemiology, microbiome and cancer | Chronic dx d/t/m; prevention and population health |
Marsha Raebel, PharmD. Senior Inv.; Clinical Professor, CUSP | Medication adherence and safety, diabetes and clinical decision support, | Value-based care/QI; chronic dx d/t/m |
Debra Ritzwoller, PhD. Senior Investigator, Adjunct Prof. SPH | Health economics, oncology health services research | Value-based care/QI; chronic dx d/t/m |
Denver Health | ||
Patti Braun, MD, MPH, Prof. GP | Reducing Oral Health disparities; novel methods of oral health delivery | Value-based care/QI; Prevention/population health |
Federico, Steven MD, MPH, Assoc. Prof., GP, Director of GP, DH | Health literacy, access to care for Latino & low-income populations | Disparities; Value-based care/QI; Prevention/population |
Ed Havranek, MD, Prof. Med, Director DH Dept of Medicine | Cardiovascular outcomes; health disparities | Disparities; Chronic dx d/t/m |
Shlay, Judith MD, MSPH, Prof. FM, Immunization Clinic Dir., DH | STD/HIV prevention, maternal & child health | Ending the HIV epidemic; Prevention/population health |
GP=General Pediatrics; GIM=General Internal Medicine; FM=Family Medicine; DH=Denver Health; SPH=University of Colorado School of Public Health; CUSP=University of Colorado School of Pharmacy
Chronic dx d/t/m=Early detection, treatment, and management
of chronic disease