
The Colorado Pragmatic Research in Health Conference (COPRH Con) is a national conference hosted by The Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS) with the purpose of training and engaging researchers in methods and applications that support research for having a real world impact. Prior conference themes have focused on planning, conduct, and dissemination of pragmatic research.

Each year, COPRH Con brings together researchers in pragmatic research and expands upon the area. COPRH Con is ideal for clinical and translational researchers, including statisticians, dissemination and implementation scientists, health services and public health researchers, program evaluators. Junior faculty with career development awards, fellows, and anyone wanting to learn and apply new methods directly from world-renowned experts are encouraged to attend.

COPRH Con 2025 will be a primarily in-person conference. Virtual attendees will have access to a limited number of sessions including keynote, plenary, and panel presentations; virtual attendance may not include all networking sessions, breakouts and workshops, or poster presentations.

Attendees will hear from national experts in pragmatic research for two days of keynote and plenary addresses, networking, and break into concurrent sessions for more interactive participation.

The Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS) encompasses T3-T4 research across the life spectrum for the University of Colorado (CU) Anschutz Medical Campus, with infrastructure support provided jointly from the Dean’s Office of the School of Medicine and Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHCO). The program was first established in 1998 as the Colorado Health Outcomes program (COHO). In 2014, COHO merged with the Children’s Outcomes Research (COR) program. The name highlights  the focus on the entire life spectrum as well as on “delivery science,” encompassing comparative effectiveness, patient-centered outcomes, and dissemination and implementation research.

ACCORDS is a group of investigators from multiple disciplines. Some have primary offices on campus, while a much larger group maintain off-site research homes. Currently, over 50 investigators, 15 biostatisticians/analysts, 39 research assistants, four instructors, and 11 administrative personnel have office space with ACCORDS. In FY2019, 32 grants were awarded totaling $14 million, reflecting a 38 percent success rate for submitted proposals. ACCORDS provided 490 consultations to 28 departments/division in the School of Medicine and assisted with 63 faculty recruitments. ACCORDS houses two fellowship programs focusing on primary and subspecialty clinician scientists, and currently has a K12 training grant focused on dissemination and implementation science. During FY2019, ACCORDS hosted four seminar series, two distinguished lecturers, and four educational workshops.

ACCORDS brings together T3-T4 researchers from across the CU Anschutz campus. Collaborating investigators represent all School of Medicine departments, as well as the Colorado School of Public Health, the Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and the College of Nursing. ACCORDS also has strong research affiliations with the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI), Denver Health, Kaiser Permanente, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. ACCORDS is as an incubator for research ideas, fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, and develops focused areas of research of national prominence.

The mission of ACCORDS is to improve health, locally and nationally, by supporting state-of-the-art outcomes and community translational research to guide clinical practice and health policy.

A collaboration between the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, the University of Colorado Denver, the University of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State University, the CCTSI includes six affiliated hospitals and health care organizations as well as multiple community organizations--all with the goal of building resilient research teams of the future and accelerating the translation of research discoveries into improved patient care and public health. The CCTSI partner health care institutions include University of Colorado Hospital, Children’s Hospital Colorado, National Jewish Health, Denver Health and Hospitals, Denver Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Kaiser Permanente Colorado.

The CCTSI is a National Institutes of Health (NIH/NCATS)-funded research institute at CU Anschutz. It is part of the national consortium of 60 CTSA institutional hubs throughout the United States and is one of the largest federal research grants awarded in the state of Colorado. The CCTSI also receives considerable institutional support from CU Anschutz, CU Boulder, CSU and the affiliated hospitals. The CCTSI has more than  6,500  members who benefit from its services, funding sources and programs.

The vision of the CCTSI is to accelerate and catalyze the translation of innovative science into improved health and patient care. To reach this vision, the mission of the CCTSI is to:

Catalyze and enhance scientific discovery, innovation, dissemination and translation across the lifespan;

Educate and sustain a resilient, innovative and diverse translational science workforce;

Promote and ensure an efficient, safe, collaborative and integrated research environment;

Engage stakeholders and communities across the entire translational spectrum.


The CCTSI is led by Ronald J. Sokol, MD, and a team of talented associate directors and administrative staff.  For further information on our programs, services and funding opportunities, go to

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Anschutz Health Sciences Building

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Aurora, CO 80045


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