Join the ACCORDS D&I Science team for our second two-day online interactive workshop focused on applying TMFs to guide your implementation research! This workshop is aimed at researchers familiar with D&I science who are interested in learning more about integrating TMFs throughout a project.

Topics will include using TMFs in developing logic models, selecting implementation strategies, addressing equity issues, and more. Our expert faculty will cover valuable skills in the application of TMFs in implementation research, and small group intensives will provide the opportunity to practice what you learn.

For those currently integrating D&I Science into their research, small group sessions led by our faculty will be offered in the second portion of both days. These sessions will focus on your questions and your research in a supportive and informative environment with peers. Get expert feedback on your aims, frameworks, and methods; learn from others’ questions and work; and build your D&I Science network! (Small group sessions are limited in size and require an application.)

This workshop is hosted by the Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS) Dissemination & Implementation Science and Education Programs at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, with support from the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI)The CCTSI will sponsor a limited number of lecture-only registrations from CCTSI members at affiliate institutions.



April 30 & May 1, 2025

9am-1:30pm MT

Led by our D&I Science program faculty, these live and online sessions will provide a thorough introduction to D&I Science. Experts in the fields will teach all topics and answer your questions.


April 30, 2025 from 1:30-3:30pm MT

May 1, 2025 from 1:30-3:00pm MT

These online small group sessions will focus on your questions and your research in a supportive and informative environment with peers.

Get expert feedback on your aims, frameworks, and methods; learn from others' questions and work; an build you D&I Science network.

Note: small group intensives are additional, limited in space, and require an application.


  • What is D&I science and why is it important?
  • D&I terminology
  • D&I theories, models, and frameworks
  • D&I study designs
  • Implementation strategies
  • Assessment approaches
  • Partner engagement in D&I
  • Designing for dissemination and sustainability
  • D&I and health equity
  • Resources for D&I

Meredith Fort, PhD, MPH

Russ Glasgow, PhD

Jodi Summers Holtrop, PhD, MCHES

Amy Huebschmann, MD, MSc

Monica Perez Jolles, PhD

Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH

Dan Matlock, MD

Borsika Rabin, PhD, PharmD

Christina Studts, PhD

Katy Trinkley, PharmD, PhD

... and more!


Internal applicants from CU School of Medicine and Children's Hospital Colorado (i.e., are students, staff, and faculty) and members from CCTSI affiliate institutions.

  • Head to the application form and complete all relevant information
  • Lecture + small group intensives applicants will be notified of their acceptance the week of April 7th
  • Done!

Other applicants outside of CU School of Medicine and Children's Hospital Colorado (i.e., are not students, staff, and faculty)

  • Head to the application form and complete all relevant information
  • If you registered for the lecture sessions only
    • Submit your payment via the ACCORDS online store
  • If you applied for participation in small group intensive sessions
    • Lecture + small group intensives applicants will be notified of their acceptance the week of April 7th
    • Submit your payment via the ACCORDS online store
External ApplicantsAMC | Students | LMICsCU SOM + CHCO

Didactic Sessions: $250

Didactics + Intensives: $500

Didactic Sessions: $100

Didactics + Intensives: $175

Didactic Sessions: waived

Didactics + Intensives: waived



CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Third floor

Aurora, CO 80045


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