About Us

Learn about the mission, vision, leadership, and research team of the ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Program.

Mission & Vision


We aspire to become and train international leaders in advancing the science and practice of Implementation and Dissemination to create a healthier and more equitable world.


Our mission is twofold:

Collaborate for impact: We work with community and clinical partners to develop, iteratively evaluate, and refine programs that produce generalizable, equitable, and sustainable impacts on health.

Enhance capacity: We accelerate the success of CU Anschutz and other researchers via exceptional training, education, resources, consultation, mentorship, and collaboration on D&I science.  

Leadership & Consultation Team

Photo Russ Glasgow

​Russell E. Glasgow, PhD

Director, ​Investigator, ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Program; Research Professor, Department of Family Medicine, University of Colorado

Dr. Glasgow is Director of the Dissemination and Implementation Program of ACCORDS and research professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. Prior to Fall 2013, he was Deputy Director for Implementation Science in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Science at the U. S. National Cancer Institute (http://cancercontrol.cancer.gov/IS/). Dr. Glasgow is an implementation scientist and evaluation expert who has worked on many transdisciplinary research issues including chronic illness self-management, worksite health promotion, primary care-based interventions, and community-based prevention programs involving community health centers. ​

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Photo Jodi Holtrop

Jodi Summers Holtrop, PhD, MCHES

Senior Implementation Scientist, ACCORDS; Associate Director, ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Research Program Professor and Vice-Chair for Research, Department of Family Medicine

Dr. Holtrop has extensive experience as an implementation scientist, qualitative and mixed methods researcher, health educator and practice-based research director. She has participated in primary care research for over 20 years which includes serving as a Principal Investigator on NIH, AHRQ, PCORI and foundation grants. Methodologically, she uses qualitative and mixed methods to inform research questions and theoretical models as a lens to understand how implementation works and to produce generalizable findings. She is skilled in facilitating focus groups, depth and cognitive task analysis interviews, analyzing qualitative data utilizing atlas.ti, developing logic models and conducting analysis using qualitative comparative analysis. She maintains certification as a master certified health education specialist (MCHES) and her personal research focus is in improving health promotion and chronic disease management in primary care.

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Photo Bethany Kwan

Bethany Kwan PhD, MSPH

Investigator, ACCORDS; Director of Dissemination & Implementation, Colorado Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI); Associate Professor and Associate Vice Chair of Research, Department of Emergency Medicine

Bethany Kwan, PhD, MSPH is an Associate Professor and Associate Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus. She received her PhD in social psychology from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2010, following a MSPH from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in 2005. She holds a BS in Chemistry and Psychology from Carnegie Mellon University (’01). As an investigator in the University of Colorado’s Adult & Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science (ACCORDS), she conducts pragmatic, patient-centered research and evaluation on health and health care in a variety of areas. With an emphasis on stakeholder engagement and dissemination and implementation (D&I) methods, her work addresses the integration of physical and behavioral health, chronic disease self-management, improving processes and systems of care to achieve the Quadruple Aim, pragmatic trials using electronic health data, and enhancing quality of life for patients and care partners. She works with patients and other stakeholders at all phases of research, from prioritization, to design, implementation, and dissemination of research. She mentors and teaches students, trainees, and fellow faculty on Designing for Dissemination to ensure that research innovations are efficiently and effectively adopted, used, and sustained in real world settings to improve health and well-being for all. Dr. Kwan is a member of the ACCORDS D&I program and directs the Colorado Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI) Dissemination & Implementation Research Core.


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Photo Tina Studts

Christina Studts PhD, MSPH, LCSW

Implementation Scientist, Dissemination & Implementation Science Program Associate Professor, Pediatrics

​Dr. Studts’ mixed methods research focuses on the systematic adaptation and implementation of evidence-based health promotion interventions with underserved populations. She has a strong interest in increasing access to interventions enhancing parenting skills and parent-child relationships, particularly those that help prevent or reduce the effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In addition to leading her own program of community-engaged research, Dr. Studts serves as an implementation scientist on teams studying implementation in a variety of topical areas, including lung cancer screening, nutrition and physical activity practices in child care settings, sexual risk reduction, diagnostic testing after failed newborn hearing screens, and others.

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Photo Mónica Pérez Jolles

Monica Perez Jolles PhD, MA

Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Mónica Pérez Jolles, PhD, MA, joined ACCORDS D&I in May 2022 as an Associate Professor. She is a health services and implementation scientist seeking to close the health gap through team-based science. Her focus brings together scientists from various backgrounds to support Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in their efforts to implement complex interventions; particularly family-centered and trauma-informed care. Projects include a PCORI-funded Eugene Engagement Award developing a toolkit to increase the capacity of behavioral health care providers to engage in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR), and a randomized CER study aimed at increasing parent activation skills for Latinx parents with children in need of mental health services. Currently, she leads a NIMH-funded pilot study using implementation mapping to refine a multi-faceted implementation strategy supporting pediatric screenings addressing toxic stress and trauma in community-based primary care settings, using a stepped-wedge pragmatic trial. Dr Pérez Jolles research has been recognized nationally as she has been the recipient of two leading fellowships supported by the National Institutes of Health. That is, the CHIPS (Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services) Training Institute, and the Implementation Research Institute (R25 MH08091606).

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Photo of Anna Maw

Anna Maw, MD, MS

Associate Professor

Dr. Maw is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine at University of Colorado. She is fellowship trained in health services research and implementation science. She completed the SCORE (Sub-specialists Clinical Outcomes Research) fellowship at ACCORDS and the National Heart, Lung, Blood Institute (NHLBI) IMPlementation to Achieve Clinical Transformation (IMPACT) K12. Dr. Maw’s research focuses on implementation and pragmatic evaluation of new technology used in clinical settings to promote effective and equitable use. 

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Research Team

Photo Lily Cervantes

Lilia Cervantes, MD, MSCS

Dr. Cervantes is the Director of Immigrant Health and an Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Dr. Cervantes led nationally recognized research demonstrating the deep disparities faced by undocumented individuals living with kidney failure who rely on emergency dialysis (dialysis only after presenting critically ill). Her work catalyzed the promulgation of regulation allowing undocumented immigrants in Colorado to receive outpatient dialysis. Following this defining experience, Dr. Cervantes' work has focused on eliminating structural racism to reduce kidney health disparities through community-based participatory research, mixed methods, and community-based clinical trials.

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Photo Meredith Fort

Meredith Fort, PhD, MPH

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Health Systems, Management and Policy

Dr. Fort is a Research Assistant Professor in the Colorado School of Public Health in the Department of Health Systems, Management and Policy and the Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health. Dr. Fort is dedicated to community-engaged research and practice and works with public health, primary care and community partners in Central America, Mexico, and the United States. Her current research focuses on: systems science approaches to design and implement multi-level and multi-sectoral interventions to prevent cardiovascular disease; hypertension control in Guatemala’s public primary care system; diabetes prevention and care in Urban Indian Health Organizations; obesity prevention; and health equity.

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Photo Amy Huebschmann

Amy Huebschmann, MD, MS, FACP​

Associate Professor, Clinician‐Investigator, Division of General Internal Medicine; Lead Scientist, Community Education, and Outreach, University of Colorado Center for  Women’s Health Research  

Dr. Huebschmann is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado School of Medicine with the Division  of General Internal Medicine and the Center for Women’s Health  Research. Dr. Huebschmann began her education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, earning a BS in Environmental Engineering. She earned her medical degree in  2000 from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and completed her residency at the  University of Colorado School of Medicine. Continuing her education, most recently she earned an MS in Clinical Sciences in 2015 at the University of Colorado. She has been funded continuously by the NIH since 2011. Her overarching research goal is to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease by delivering evidence‐based programs to prevent and treat cardiovascular risk factors, such as sedentary behavior. 

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Photo Jason Navid Mansoori

Jason Navid-Mansoori, MD

Dr. Mansoori is a Pulmonary and Critical Care physician at Denver Health. His research focuses on applying behavioral economics and other decision science methods and principles to improve implementation of evidence-based interventions and healthcare delivery in critical care settings. He is particularly interested in optimizing clinical decision making for patients with septic shock.

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Photo Nikki Wagner

Nicole Wagner, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine

Dr Wagner’s research focuses on the development and adaptation of effective interventions to reach underserved populations engaging in substance use. She is developing strategies to optimally adapt evidence-based programs to fit the contextual needs and priorities where they will be implemented, in a way that fosters sustainable program delivery and successful health outcomes.

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Photo Noy Phimphasone-Brady

Phoutdavone “Noy” Phimphasone-Brady, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry

Noy Phimphasone-Brady is an Assistant Professor and licensed Clinical Health Psychologist in the Colorado Center for Women’s Behavioral Health and Wellness at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. As an implementation scientist, her research addresses 1) sex and gender and racial/ethnic differences in the development of mental illness in metabolic- and endocrine conditions (e.g., polycystic ovarian syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and weight management), and 2) individual, system, and cultural level determinants to the implementation, adaptation, and sustainability of mental and behavioral interventions in integrated women’s health settings.


Photo Borsika Rabin

Borsika Rabin, PhD, MPH, PharmD

Co‐Director, D&I Graduate Certificate Program; Co‐Director, UC San Diego D&I Science Center  

Assistant Research Professor, Department of Family Medicine  Research Methodology: Dissemination and implementation science, integration of research into practice, stakeholder engagement, real-world, pragmatic study designs, synthesis of measurement instruments, use of theories and frameworks, designing for dissemination and implementation, development of reviews, toolkits, and decision aids for dissemination and implementation research, review of E‐health interventions  Topic areas: Broad application of the above-described methodology to studies of cancer prevention and care, development, and evaluation of cancer prognostic tools, coordination of care, ischemic heart disease in the context of diverse community-and clinic‐based settings including academic, safety net, and integrated delivery systems, VA, and rural and low-income settings. 

Photo Katy Trinkley

Katy Trinkley, PhD

Dr. Trinkley’s independent research focuses on advancing the visionary goals of learning health systems and leveraging data and implementation science to create innovative health information technologies to optimize safe and effective healthcare delivery. Her current emphasis is on clinical decision support tools within the electronic health record to optimize therapies for chronic cardiovascular disease. Central to her research is use of pragmatic and iterative multi-level user centered design processes. Beyond her own independent research she contributes her perspective as a clinical pharmacist, clinical informaticist and implementation scientist to diverse projects related to curricular evaluation, pharmacogenomics, cancer control and prevention, use of artificial intelligence for chronic rhinosinusitis, opioid harm reduction, and the digital divide.

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Daniel Matlock MD, MPH

Director, Colorado Program for Patient-Centered Decisions Professor of Medicine
Dr. Dan Matlock is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He is board-certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, and Palliative care. His research is aimed at fundamentally changing and improving how patients make decisions around invasive technologies. He has been funded under an NIH career development award, three NHLBI RO1s (two Co-I, one PI), and four PCORI projects studying shared decision making among older adults making decisions around invasive technologies. He has participated in the American College of Cardiology’s shared decision making task force and he is also an active participant of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards writing committee. Recently, he has also been named Director of Implementation Research for the Denver Veterans Affairs Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center.

Hillary Lum MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Medicine
Hillary Lum is an Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatric Medicine in the Department of Medicine at theUniversity of Colorado School of Medicine, Anschutz Medical Campus, and research physician at the VA Eastern Colorado GeriatricsResearch Education and Clinical Center (GRECC). She is a geriatrician, palliative medicine physician and researcher. Dr. Lum’swork focuses on improving care for older adults with serious illnesses, including those with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia, and family care partners. She is particularly interested in designing real-world interventions with diverse older adult stakeholder input for primary care and community settings. Her work includes design and testing of novel interventions to improve patient-centered outcomes related to advance care planning, use of the patient portal, telehealth to reach older rural veterans, and virtual reality and music therapy. She mentors trainees and junior faculty through her roles as Co-Director for the Clinical Faculty Scholars Program, NIA T32 Palliative Care and Aging Fellowship Program Executive Leadership Team, and the GRECC.

Demetria McNeal

Asst Professor

Catherine Battaglia

Clin Assc Professor (C/T) Hsc

Heather Gilmartin

Instructor Asst Professor-Clinical

Nee-Kofi Mould-Millman

Associate Professor


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