Kempe,Allison 2013

Allison Kempe MD, MPH

Founding director of ACCORDS Professor of Pediatrics, Investigator, University of Colorado School of Medicine​
  • Pediatrics
  • General Pediatrics General Operations (SOM)
  • Pediatrics (SOM)
  • ACCORDS - Center for Health Outcomes Research

Dr. Allison Kempe, Ergen Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research at Children's Hospital Colorado, is the founding Director of ACCORDS. She is a tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and has conducted health services, outcomes, and implementation/dissemination research for over thirty years. She has extensive experience in conducting pragmatic trials, in program evaluation and in the conduct of surveys, with over 200 publications focusing on improving health care and health care delivery. Finding and testing methods of improving immunization rates and other preventive care delivery and decreasing disparities in health and health care delivery for children have been the major focus of her own research. She has received numerous R01 level grants from NIH, AHRQ, and the CDC throughout her career. Additionally, Dr. Kempe has played a major mentorship role for many fellows and junior faculty. She directed two federally funded primary care research fellowships for over 10 years and developed a fellowship for surgical and subspecialty faculty who wish to become outcomes or health services researchers. Currently, she is a Co-Director of a K12 from NHLBI that focuses on implementation and dissemination science.

Kempe,Allison 2013

Allison Kempe MD, MPH

Founding director of ACCORDS Professor of Pediatrics, Investigator, University of Colorado School of Medicine​
  • Pediatrics
  • General Pediatrics General Operations (SOM)
  • Pediatrics (SOM)
  • ACCORDS - Center for Health Outcomes Research

Dr. Allison Kempe, Ergen Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research at Children's Hospital Colorado, is the founding Director of ACCORDS. She is a tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and has conducted health services, outcomes, and implementation/dissemination research for over thirty years. She has extensive experience in conducting pragmatic trials, in program evaluation and in the conduct of surveys, with over 200 publications focusing on improving health care and health care delivery. Finding and testing methods of improving immunization rates and other preventive care delivery and decreasing disparities in health and health care delivery for children have been the major focus of her own research. She has received numerous R01 level grants from NIH, AHRQ, and the CDC throughout her career. Additionally, Dr. Kempe has played a major mentorship role for many fellows and junior faculty. She directed two federally funded primary care research fellowships for over 10 years and developed a fellowship for surgical and subspecialty faculty who wish to become outcomes or health services researchers. Currently, she is a Co-Director of a K12 from NHLBI that focuses on implementation and dissemination science.

Kempe,Allison 2013

Allison Kempe MD, MPH

Founding director of ACCORDS Professor of Pediatrics, Investigator, University of Colorado School of Medicine​
  • Pediatrics
  • General Pediatrics General Operations (SOM)
  • Pediatrics (SOM)
  • ACCORDS - Center for Health Outcomes Research

Dr. Allison Kempe, Ergen Family Endowed Chair in Pediatric Outcomes Research at Children's Hospital Colorado, is the founding Director of ACCORDS. She is a tenured Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine and the Colorado School of Public Health and has conducted health services, outcomes, and implementation/dissemination research for over thirty years. She has extensive experience in conducting pragmatic trials, in program evaluation and in the conduct of surveys, with over 200 publications focusing on improving health care and health care delivery. Finding and testing methods of improving immunization rates and other preventive care delivery and decreasing disparities in health and health care delivery for children have been the major focus of her own research. She has received numerous R01 level grants from NIH, AHRQ, and the CDC throughout her career. Additionally, Dr. Kempe has played a major mentorship role for many fellows and junior faculty. She directed two federally funded primary care research fellowships for over 10 years and developed a fellowship for surgical and subspecialty faculty who wish to become outcomes or health services researchers. Currently, she is a Co-Director of a K12 from NHLBI that focuses on implementation and dissemination science.


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